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Black Lives Matter
Poetry power from one of our talented youngsters, click here
Pupils vs Staff Football Match
Who triumphed on this match of unequal abilities??
Annex Sessions
Click here to listen to the latest track from one of our boyz
Positions available! Join our tremendous team, click here.
Parents, social workers and staff are encouraged to complete an anonymous questionnaire here.
The particular interests and talents of individual children are considered within the individual Placement Plan which includes ways in which the child will be supported to pursue their interests and talents.
Children are helped and encouraged to engage in leisure and other activities that promote a positive involvement with the cultural, ethnic, religious and language heritages to which they belong. This is also seen as an opportunity to celebrate diversity and help other children from different backgrounds to learn about difference in positive and enjoyable ways.
Examples include supporting children in attending church (where appropriate) attending cultural festivals in various locations (i.e. Notting Hill Carnival/Museum trips etc).
It may seem to some people that young people seem to want to all their free time in front of screens, either playing console games or watching endless YouTube videos. We however accept that his can be part of their free-time and utilising built-in parental control functions we limit the amount of time they spend online each day. We actively encourage them to exercise, go outside and do things together, interacting with the real world.
Ball games and activities within the grounds of the house are in view of an adult – a large net-enclosed trampoline is a great place for children to individually exercise safely and blow of steam.
Indoors, aside from a pool table in the common room, and a TV and DVD player in the lounge, the ubiquity of the internet and multitude of ways of accessing it mean that we have strong security settings on our equipment, alongside exper Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.) people – built-in parental controls are also configured and secure on all of their devices.
Educating children how to stay safe online is as important though, and we encourage them to talk to staff – and periodic spot checks on devices is the norm because we must ensure online safety.