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Black Lives Matter
Poetry power from one of our talented youngsters, click here
Pupils vs Staff Football Match
Who triumphed on this match of unequal abilities??
Annex Sessions
Click here to listen to the latest track from one of our boyz
Positions available! Join our tremendous team, click here.
Parents, social workers and staff are encouraged to complete an anonymous questionnaire here.
Please note:
Risk Assessment – in line with changes to the Children’s Homes Regulations 2001 (as amended)
and The Care Standards Act 2000 (Registration) (England) Regulations 2010. Regulation 31.
Keeping Children Safe in Education – 2024
Children’s Homes Quality Standards
The Childrens Homes Regulations 2015
Children’s homes regulations, including quality standards: guide
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks)
Care Matters: Time to deliver for children in care
Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying review
Preventing bullying – Guidance
School strategies for preventing and tackling bullying – Ofsted research and analysis
A non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.
Safer Internet Centre
E-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
The Internet Watch Foundation will accept reports of abusive websites, particularly child pornography. They also discuss the pros and cons of a number of content filtering packages.
Cyberbullying – Guidance for schools
Cyberbullying: Advice for headteachers and school staff
Advice for schools on working with parents of a bullied child
wizcase.com: A Comprehensive
Cyberbullying Guide for Parents
Digital Literacy:-These free materials are designed to empower pupils and students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. Find the lessons that are just right for your classroom.
Link Requests
If your organisation is dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged children and you would like your website to be included on this page, please contact us.