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Black Lives Matter
Poetry power from one of our talented youngsters, click here

Pupils vs Staff Football Match

Who triumphed on this match of unequal abilities??

Annex Sessions

Click here to listen to the latest track from one of our boyz


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  5. Being Healthy

Being Healthy

From day one of their placement, we have basic, easy to follow rules which each child is encouraged to adhere to.

This benefits their health, wellbeing and self-respect – and something that is tangible and positive.

This helps formulate the first part of their health plan.

Being Healthy - dos and don'ts list mage

Basic daily rituals

Every child must have a bath or shower each day and clean their teeth in the morning and evening.

Health Checkups

All children have introductory checks with our local GP, Dentist and Opticians.

Smoking, Vaping - No!

No child or member of staff is permitted to smoke anywhere within the grounds of the home.

Ready Steady Cook

All children, together with staff in daily house meetings, decide on the menu for the next week and it must include all of the healthy eating options/food groups.

Cultural Diversity

Diversity and culture is embraced, enjoyed and relished. All seated around a table at mealtimes and talking happily is great bonding for children and staff.

Mental Therapy

All children have access to a psychotherapist. An Independent visitor will also visit them once a month and talk to them about how they view the home

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