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Quality Assurance

It is our belief that a culture of continuous improvement should be encouraged. Only through consistent monitoring of standards and highlighting of weak areas, and strengths in good practice, can an environment of safe and effective practice be fostered. As a result, several processes of monitoring and quality assurance systems have been put into place.


Regulation 44 Visits

J&R Care Ltd arranges for an Independent person to visit their home on a monthly basis. A report is compiled and sent to The Director. The Director gives a copy of the report to the Registered Manager and an accompanying action plan including what needs to be completed. The Registered Manager then allocates the specific tasks to specific members of staff for completion before the next visit.

The Independent person usually stays for at least three hours. The Director also sends a copy of this report to Ofsted. The person undertaking the visits may undertake specific checks and have access to what records s/he sees fit.

This also focus on particular themes or issues including the following:

Meet and talk to children and staff of the home to ascertain their views, comments and any complaints about the running of the home.
Read the Daily Log, records of Restraints, Incidents, reports of Notifiable events.
Read the records of Comments, Representations and Complaints and (Child Protection Referrals), commenting on the frequency and type made and whether they appear to have been dealt with adequately.
Read and comment on the record of Children’s and Staff Meetings, or other methods used by the manager to consult the children
and staff, held in the home. The person also checks that staff supervision has taken place as required.

Check on the physical condition and decoration of the home, including the children’s bedrooms.
Speak to Stakeholder, including social workers and IROs.

Regulation 45

The Registered Manager ensures that systems are in place to monitor the performance of the home against its Statement of Purpose, and for regular reviewing of the Statement, along with the Director and the registered provider ensures that performance is monitored in accordance with the Children’s Homes Regulations (England) 2005. The Registered Manager monitors and signs the home’s records at least once a month, to identify any patterns or issues requiring action. They will take action to improve or adjust provisions where necessary. A monthly report is sent to the Director. The Regulation 45 Report will also be sent to Ofsted every six months.

All staff have annual appraisals which are conducted by The Director and Registered Manager, and all staff receive regular supervision.

It is the aim of J&R Care Ltd to continue to develop and implement quality assurance systems, which are effective and enable the staff to demonstrate good practice and evidence the welfare of the children in our care is at the forefront of their working environment. Thus this list is not exhaustive and will continue to grow and develop in line with the company development. Staff appraisals and supervision.

It is the aim of J&R Care Ltd to continue to develop and implement quality assurance systems, which are effective and enable the staff to demonstrate good practice and evidence the welfare of the children in our care is at the forefront of their working environment. Thus this list is not exhaustive and will continue to grow and develop in line with the company development.

Annual Reviews

The Registered Manager and Director undertake a review of the performance of the home and quality of care provided; they also review the Home’s Statement of Purpose, identifying any planned changes in the operation or resources of the home, or confirming the continuation of the home’s current operation and resourcing.

Policies & Procedures

It is the responsibility of the Directors to ensure that all procedures/policies and paperwork used by J&R Care are in line with current legislation and to this end they are reviewed and amended accordingly at the onset of new legislation. In addition an annual review is conducted to ensure the effectiveness of all recording systems.

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