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Black Lives Matter
Poetry power from one of our talented youngsters, click here
Pupils vs Staff Football Match
Who triumphed on this match of unequal abilities??
Annex Sessions
Click here to listen to the latest track from one of our boyz
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Summer holidays during a pandemic at first glance could seem problematic.
Thankfully, thanks to dedicated staff, good planning and brilliant young people, Manchester 2021 was a blast.
Researching accommodation and pre-booking with a well-known property renting website/app saves a lot of trouble.
Centrally located, the interior was spacious and well-appointed, too. Everyone was very happy to stay at this stylish abode.
The kitchen and dining areas huge, this is where most time was spent together indoors.
The main excursions on our agenda were The Crystal Maze, Virtual Reality experience, and indoor water park, and Alton Towers.
Fun and memorable times were had by all, but which was their favourite?
SRCW Being VR IronMan
‘The boys don’t play console games much, so I was surprised they enjoyed this event quite as much,’ said Staff senior WJB, an old-school gamer who understands the fun.
Although RCW Sinead agreed, she said it was best when everyone was together in the real world, particularly when at Alton Towers.
The adventure lasted a great 7 days – unfortunately 2 of which were spent the majority of time on the delightful M25, M1 and M6 motorways…