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Black Lives Matter
Poetry power from one of our talented youngsters, click here
Pupils vs Staff Football Match
Who triumphed on this match of unequal abilities??
Annex Sessions
Click here to listen to the latest track from one of our boyz
Positions available! Join our tremendous team, click here.
Parents, social workers and staff are encouraged to complete an anonymous questionnaire here.
Following public health and NHS guidelines has meant that we have everything we can do to help us all stay safe – but with around 30 staff members involved in the running of the care home, we have had to be careful than most.
During 2021, Lateral Flow tests identified cases a small number of Covid cases within the home, and PCR tests confirmed the presence of the virus. This led to a home locking down, and when a child was identified with a Covid case, they were isolated in their rooms.
Ordinarily this may have created mental health issues as well but fortunately we were able to ensure that hey were safe, fed and looked after, and they were left alone to play on their games consoles – which we were able to remotely monitor and relax the scheduled playing times.
Staff had more to contend with as well because they had to return to their own household Covid measures.
The Annex School was remarkably largely unaffected, thanks to the dedication of teaching and care staff.
Also we we able to utilise Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Classroom when teaching remotely.
Young people knuckled down too, once the novelty had worn off. Every lesson.
Hands, Face, Space
The local supermarket were marvellous, and our magnificent staff stepped up. Not just working as team, we have been working as close as a family.
Although social distancing was not possible at the home, staff and young people when outside of the home wore face mask masks – albeit sometimes reluctantly (to their credit, they did though).
Following NHS guidelines and continuing our frequent testing let everyone know we took it all seriously.
With the vast majority of staff and young people now vaccinated, we are increasingly positive that 2022 will see life in the outside world return closer to pre-pandemic normality.
Whether or not Covid-19’s various virus mutations will have a greater health impact is yet to be understood by scientists and medical professionals. That is why we have no problem continuing our Covid-19 Pandemic Precautions, which is now our new normal.