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The comments on this page we have received from family of our children or from dedicated professionals who work hard to improve the lives of young people:

Testimonial letter image

Date: 14th May 2022:

“To Whom It May Concern,

I am the allocated Social Worker for [name redacted][DOB [date redacted]) who is a Child Looked After (‘CLA’) by London Borough of Islington under a S.31 Full Care Order.

[name redacted] is a young boy who experienced significant developmental trauma within his birth family (including exposure to domestic abuse, emotional abuse, substance misuse and neglect). Since coming into care, [name redacted]experienced placement breakdowns and significant difficulties in education (leading to him needing to be physically restrained between 1-3 times a day due to violent behaviour towards others and himself). He regularly demonstrated self-harming behaviours such as banging his head into a wall, threatening to jump in front of a bus, and damaging belongings/property. [name redacted] was unable to follow rules or boundaries, and being asked to do so contributed to him becoming highly dysregulated.

Since moving into Pembroke House, [name redacted] has blossomed, and is now a very different boy to the one I had been working with for 18 months prior. Following a considered and thoughtful transition process (which had to be cut short due to the foster carer ending the placement in an emergency, to which the staff team reacted supportively and flexibly), [name redacted] was closely supported to settle into. 

the home. Despite being the youngest child there, staff actively made sure that he became part of the family, and encouraged him to bond with the other young people, and to participate in a variety of activities.Now, [name redacted] attends school every day, participates in lots of activities including football clubs and music lessons, and he appears to be thriving. He is working towards accessing therapeutic support, and accesses regular key-work sessions.

It is absolutely evident that staff have gone above and beyond for [name redacted], and I have no doubt that the same is true for the other young people in the home. The staff team work hard to give the home a ‘family feel’ and the warmth and love, as well as boundaries and structure, strikes the right balance.

I would not hesitate to recommend Pembroke House and their dedicated staff team to any Local Authority or family seeking a residential placement for a traumatised young person.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like any further information.

Kind regards,

[name redacted]
Senior Social Worker
Children Looked After Service [detail redacted]”

This message was addressed to staff including Registered Manager, school teacher, office managers and the Financial Director: 

“As you know, due to changes within the court team, XX will have a new allocated worker. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my sincere admiration, and appreciation for you, a dedicated team of professionals’, extremely valuable help and support you have given, and continue to give, to XX, whilst I have been the child’s allocated Social Worker, between November 2019 and now. You have been superb in educating, guiding, persevering in hard times, and supporting XX to achieve and develop academic achievements, emotional balance, resilience, sense of pride and self-reflection under your care and supervision. You can be proud of how you have helped XXK turn around what appeared to be a chaotic, inconsistent and variable lifestyle; into a well ordered, regulated life based around education, consistent routines, and achieving positive outcomes. Which will hopefully help and support him in making positive choices in his future life, when he leaves your care. Without the dedication and tenacity of your home’s team this would not have been possible. It has been my privilege to have worked with your team and you in caring about XX.

May you have many successes in future.”

“I feel safe in the home and staff look after us properly.”

“Staff take boys on so many activities, they don’t have time to be bored.”
A resident’s young relative

“It has been very positive since he came here and he has made huge progress. He is a different boy since working with staff.”
Social worker

“Dear Jane

Thanks for all your help and co-operation, we really appreciate it. I have been a social worker for many years but have rarely seen an agency go to the lengths or put in the amount of efforts you have – in making sure you do what is in the child’s best interest. I know from my discussions that our senior managers too are very appreciative and impressed with what you have done, particularly in the last couple of weeks.

I have spoken to GC and have arranged to visit D at his current placement tomorrow afternoon. We will use the opportunity to discuss plans re D.

Once again, thanks for everything.



Social Worker, Waltham Forest

A handwritten thank-you card reads:

“Dear ** & all the staff,

Just to say a very sincere thank-you to you all for the great patience, skill & love you have all shown in caring for our grandson **. It may not be obvious to all but we have noticed a great change in him, for the better! We know that the road was not an easy one but we are sure that a successful end is in sight, due to your efforts.

We wish continuing success to you and your proteges.

Good luck to you all,
God bless you all, 
so very much.”

I just wanted to say thanks to you and your staff team working with [name redacted].

His educational progress with you is fantastic, the change since he has been attending The Annex School with regards to attendance and engagement considering where he was at before he came to you is brilliant, also thanks so much with the support in getting his EHCP reviewed.

Social Worker, Southend

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