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Black Lives Matter
Poetry power from one of our talented youngsters, click here
Pupils vs Staff Football Match
Who triumphed on this match of unequal abilities??
Annex Sessions
Click here to listen to the latest track from one of our boyz
Positions available! Join our tremendous team, click here.
Parents, social workers and staff are encouraged to complete an anonymous questionnaire here.
All online devices have built-in parental controls which can help protect children from harmful content.
Signs are not always obvious, so it’s important to be aware of the risk of this type of behaviour.
Children can be at risk of online abuse from people they know or from strangers.
Learn how to keep children safer online and understand the potential dangers and behavioural warning signs.
The online world is a part of everyday life for children and adults, so understanding how to stay safe is vitally important – as is knowing where to turn if you feel trapped in a situation. We therefore educate, have dedicated staff, and provide resources for our children and employees.
Safety is in place at the router level, so any internet connected device on our network will be prevented from accessing inappropriate or dangerous websites.
Detecting these issues is one thing, knowing how to deal with them is another. A problem or even a potential problem shared is a problem halved, so we encourage children and staff share it with a senior member of staff. If uncertain, it’s good to refer to carer, teacher or manager. If necessary they will refer it to the IT department.
Drugs: dangerously accessible, and users’ hell-bent pursuit of them can destroy the lives of individuals and families. This website has a wealth of information and confidential advice for parents and carers, and for teenagers there is information on the dangers.
On the internet it is unfortunately too easy for children to access pornographic images. Parental control software on phones, tablets and computers can help prevent this access, and information and frank discussions can help keep young minds from wandering into dangerous territory. Click here to to read more about helping to keep children safe.