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Pupils vs Staff Football Match
Who triumphed on this match of unequal abilities??
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Written by Roving reporter and part-time referee: GT
The game started with School Football Captain taking his squad through a gruelling warm-up routine ready to play as match fit. The staff team however seemed quite lack-lustre in comparison and somewhat over-confident in their very light limbering up; it seemed the scene therefore had been set.
This Term’s challenge (Term 3 2023) was a fine one.
The students kicked off in good fashion, the match was very tight early on with little more than a goal between both sides in the first 20 mins of play. MRM was very quick and worked well as an assist for main striker FC. MW also had a good period in goal defecting many good shots on target.
By the end of the first half the staff however had taken a slight led with good general play from all. Half time oranges were shared, and spirits were high amongst all.
In the second half the tables were turned, and the students picked up pace, youth seemingly able to shine through. Some slack behaviour was recorded however, and several Yellow Cards were issued.
Towards the end of the 90 mins the game was neck and neck with a great last min goal from DP securing a 12 all end.
Penalties were then taken with some very poor shots on target which included a dreadful final shot from DP enabling the students to win with a 15-14 victory.
A victorious celebratory trip was concluded at Mc Donald’s were all agreed this match had been a very exciting one. The Challenge Trophy to be awarded at Term 4 Special Assembly.